2003-11-06 So much for the new car. I was driving home last night and a 23-year-old in a borrowed Town Car piled into the back of the Protege, pushing it into a Camry. Everyone's OK, but the Protege is in rough shape. Looks like I got rid of the Golf a few months too early.
2003-09-08 Saturday night I'd like to raise a little harm, I'll sleep when I'm dead! Sleep well, Warren Zevon, you've earned it.
2003-09-07 I moved the caboteria to an old dual-processor Compaq server I had lying around. It's substantially more powerful than the previous single-cpu box but it's
loud! If you notice anything that doesn't work please let me know.
In other news, both kids are back at school so Vicky has a little time to herself.
2003-09-02 The caboteria is now running on an RCN "megamodem" cable modem, which claims to have higher upstream bandwidth, i.e. better throughput from me to you. It was a pretty easy conversion overall, so let's cross our fingers that the service is reliable.
2003-08-07 The noisy red car has gone to its reward. I just traded it in on a new car. It was a wonderful car; I beat on it for 13 years and it rewarded me with outstanding economy and reliability. If VW made something close to it I would have bought another one but they've gone upscale and every car has power everything and costs an arm and a leg. The Protege is a basic sedan with good handling. I hope it's almost as reliable as the Golf.
2003-07-08 Tory's got a new bike! I don't remember what kind it is but the important thing is that it's purple. It's also
substantially bigger than her old bike so I might have waited a little too long to get the new one. We also got a helmet for Katharine in case she wants to play around on the old bike. At 4 years old her head was too big for the kiddie helmets so we had to get her small adult one.
2003-06-01 I've got a new job as a software consultant with
Riverton Corporation We do design, architecture, and development work, mostly in Java using
J2EE. It's a small company with a team of really bright people who are also fun to work with!
2003-04-20 I upgraded the software (
http://TWiki.org/) that drives most of the Caboteria. Please let me know if there are any hiccups.
2003-04-18 AOL
sucks! AOL has decided to reject mail from any server running on a cable modem (like this one). I think I've set up my mailer to route AOL mail through comcast's server but it's really annoying when they do something like this.
2003-04-06 Our old landlord pointed us to a picture of our house as it looked in the mid-1800's. In the following picture our house is the one on the right:
2003-04-02 I've been helping teach a course in GNU/Linux at TecsChange in Roxbury, which is a great organization. They help teach people how to use computers, and they also recycle old computers for use in social change.
http://www.tecschange.org/ You can see our course notes at
2003-01-26 I stumbled across the
Style project which is just a couple of CSS stylesheets that are roughly the equivalent of a GUI widget set. A really cool idea. Anyway, I modified the Caboteria home page and Wiki to use the sheets with a simple 3-pane layout (props to Kurt Stam at
One Heartbreak for the layout concept).