The Caboteria / Main Web / WhatsNew / WhatsOld (10 Apr 2004, TWikiGuest)
Some old news...

2000-12-26 Happy Boxing Day! Hope you had a joyful holiday!

2000-12-18 The Caboteria had a 4-for-1 special on influenza over the weekend. First Katharine, then Tory, then Vicky and last Toby were all knocked over. It's the first time that the whole family has been sick at the same time, and it's not much fun. Turbo doesn't mind us barfing, though, since he can get a little snack if he moves quickly.

2000-12-03 Alert the media, my 2000 Christmas List is now online!

2000-11-25 Happy Thanksgiving, and happy birthday to Vicky! Turbo and Katharine are both over their ear infections and Tory has a loose tooth.

2000-10-08 Yes, that was me (Toby) in the Boston Globe today. My Mom found it, and I'll give you $20 if you can find it. No, I didn't streak the vice presidential debate. The CTO of the company that I'm contracting for (Gold Wire Technology) is giving his Porsche away as a recruiting gimmick so we all posed out in the parking lot around the car. Around the shhhweeet car. Anyway, I'm but a contractor so I'm not eligible, but I don't care since it's not a station wagon. Really.

2000-10-01 It's been a bumpy couple of weeks for the littlest Cabot. Katharine was fussier than usual a couple of weeks ago - it turned out that she had an intususception of the bowel so she had to go to Children's for a couple of days. Two weeks later we went to Maine for the weekend and she fell flat on her face and managed to give herself two fat lips and a lump on her nose. Good thing she's a tough little kid.

2000-09-11 The Caboteria has moved to a new (old) machine, a stylin' PII 266 handed down from my Dad. Various ends may still be loose - if you find a bad link or something that doesn't seem to work correctly please let me know.

2000-08-20 I read the first Harry Potter book today. It was fun, in a geeky dungeons'n'dragons sort of way, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. I think I prefer the Chronicles of Narnia. Maybe I should read them again, it's been 20 years.

2000-07-31 We're a company! Our incorporation went through today, so now all we need to do is:

  1. Build a product
  2. Sell the product
  3. Repeat previous step

and we should be all set. If you know anyone who can help us with steps one or two please let me know.

2000-07-26 I'm finally gainfully employed (as a contractor), working for a company called Gold Wire. About 30 people and growing fast; a very cool place to work. SaltFire seems to be picking up steam as well. Looks like it will be a busy August.

2000-06-26 Happy fifth birthday to Tory! As always, a very hot day, but not enough rain to keep us indoors. A little cake, fingernail polish, and lots of Barbie.

2000-06-01 Happy first birthday to Katharine! We had a little cake and ice cream, which she enjoyed eating and wearing.

2000-04-21 It's a girl! And another girl! Brooke and Christopher's twins (Mimi and Georgia) were born today, one 6#8 and one 6#12. Everyone's doing great. In less auspicious news, today is the third anniversary (monthly anniversary) of my unemployment. Things seem to be picking up steam, though.

2000-04-17 It's been a while since the last update. Turbo has turned six, hard to believe he's that old, although he is gretting gray around the muzzle. Also, the faithful old 486 that used to run the Caboteria died unexpectedly on Satuday night. After some major downtime I've moved over to a P200.

2000-03-19 Baby Katharine has a tooth! This is somewhat unexpected, given that we Cabots are dentally retarded and typically don't get any teeth until we're at least 1.

2000-03-03 Well, we all survived the exception-to-the-exception leap year. Vicky and I are (evidently) back in the housing market; we bid on a nice house on School Street but it wasn't accepted. Also, some new pictures.

2000-02-05 Toby is now employed by a company that doesn't yet exist. Vicky is being very patient while things percolate.

2000-01-09 Toby and Tory were on the front page of the Neponset Valley Daily News! A cute picture of the two of us having breakfast in downtown Dedham on the day after new year's. Thanks to Meg Cabot for the tip.

2000-01-07 It's official. Toby will be leaving Lucent on the 21st to do something fun and entrepreneurial!

1900-01-01 Looks like the Caboteria is fully y2k compliant wink

1999-12-31 A spiffier Caboteria! Also, Happy New Year!

1999-12-19 Both kids were in the St. Paul's Christmas Pageant. Tory was a sheep, and Kate was the baby Jesus. Sorry, no pix.

1999-12-12 For your amusement, the Caboteria Comics page is now online.

1999-11-07 Baby Kate was baptised today. Pix online, thanks Dad!

1999-10-23 The Cabot geneology database is now back online.

1999-10-14 We had some downtime this week while I was setting up a new firewall. Sorry for the inconvenience.

1999-07-05 We mourn the passing of Mr. Fish who didn't make it through the July 4th heat wave. He was a good and true goldfish.

1999-06-01 Welcome! Chilton Katharine Cabot (a.k.a Baby Kate, a.k.a. Baby Orkney) joined us on June 1 at 0353. She was 7#10, 19". Mother and daughter(s) are doing well. Dad is sleepy, dog is confused, fish has taken to swimming upside down.

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