The Caboteria / Main Web / WhatsNew (revision 40)
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(from Toby's perspective)

2004-03-11 Oh my, such a long time since the last update. The Mazda is back on the road (it took almost 'til Christmas!). Everyone's healthy, just the usual wintertime colds and coughs. Vic's turn on the St. Pauls' Vestry ended recently, but she's still keeping busy with lots of volunteer activities.

2003-11-06 So much for the new car. I was driving home last night and a 23-year-old in a borrowed Town Car piled into the back of the Protege, pushing it into a Camry. Everyone's OK, but the Protege is in rough shape. Looks like I got rid of the Golf a few months too early.

2003-09-08 Saturday night I'd like to raise a little harm, I'll sleep when I'm dead! Sleep well, Warren Zevon, you've earned it.

2003-09-07 I moved the caboteria to an old dual-processor Compaq server I had lying around. It's substantially more powerful than the previous single-cpu box but it's loud! If you notice anything that doesn't work please let me know.

In other news, both kids are back at school so Vicky has a little time to herself.

2003-09-02 The caboteria is now running on an RCN "megamodem" cable modem, which claims to have higher upstream bandwidth, i.e. better throughput from me to you. It was a pretty easy conversion overall, so let's cross our fingers that the service is reliable.

2003-08-07 The noisy red car has gone to its reward. I just traded it in on a new car. It was a wonderful car; I beat on it for 13 years and it rewarded me with outstanding economy and reliability. If VW made something close to it I would have bought another one but they've gone upscale and every car has power everything and costs an arm and a leg. The Protege is a basic sedan with good handling. I hope it's almost as reliable as the Golf.

2003-07-08 Tory's got a new bike! I don't remember what kind it is but the important thing is that it's purple. It's also substantially bigger than her old bike so I might have waited a little too long to get the new one. We also got a helmet for Katharine in case she wants to play around on the old bike. At 4 years old her head was too big for the kiddie helmets so we had to get her small adult one.

2003-06-01 I've got a new job as a software consultant with Riverton Corporation We do design, architecture, and development work, mostly in Java using J2EE. It's a small company with a team of really bright people who are also fun to work with!

2003-04-20 I upgraded the software ( that drives most of the Caboteria. Please let me know if there are any hiccups.

2003-04-18 AOL sucks! AOL has decided to reject mail from any server running on a cable modem (like this one). I think I've set up my mailer to route AOL mail through comcast's server but it's really annoying when they do something like this.

2003-04-06 Our old landlord pointed us to a picture of our house as it looked in the mid-1800's. In the following picture our house is the one on the right:

picture of our house (on the right)

2003-04-02 I've been helping teach a course in GNU/Linux at TecsChange in Roxbury, which is a great organization. They help teach people how to use computers, and they also recycle old computers for use in social change. You can see our course notes at GnuLinuxIntro.

2003-01-26 I stumbled across the Style project which is just a couple of CSS stylesheets that are roughly the equivalent of a GUI widget set. A really cool idea. Anyway, I modified the Caboteria home page and Wiki to use the sheets with a simple 3-pane layout (props to Kurt Stam at One Heartbreak for the layout concept).

WhatsNew2002, WhatsNew2001, WhatsOld

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JPEGjpg townhouse.jpg manage 50.7 K 06 Apr 2003 - 17:22 TobyCabot picture of our house (on the right)
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