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(from Toby's perspective)

2002-01-17 My father, TonyCabot, a/k/a Poohpa, now has his own page on this site, and he's been busy uploading pictures of this and that. Between his new camera and mine, it looks as if I'll have to upgrade our disk capacity before too long.

2002-01-14 Hope you had a happy holiday! I noticed that I didn't mention that I've started a new job, at http://blackinksystems.com/. Very interesting company.

The grey station wagon is not long for this earth. It's been a fun, but fussy, car.

2001-12-14 Katharine's getting over a sinus infection (thanks, Moxie!) and yesterday the jail wall opposite our house was torn down. It's pretty nice for the time being, but my understanding is that they're planning on building a garage there before too long.

2001-11-30 I saw the news today, oh boy. Rest in peace, George.

2001-10-31 Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. A new family member joined us over the weekend - bubbles the goldfish has taken up residence at the Caboteria. Mr. Fish was a very good fish, I hope Bubbles has a long and healthy future.

WhatsNew2001, WhatsOld

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Topic revision: r13 - 17 Jan 2002 - TobyCabot
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