The Caboteria / Main Web / TonyCabot (16 Jul 2011, TobyCabot)
NOTE: my Dad passed away in early 2011 after a few years of illness. -- TobyCabot

A poignant op-ed about living with (and dying from) ALS:

This is Tony Cabot's little corner of the world wide web.


Since I now have a digital camera I will be uploading photos to pages at this site. You may download these or, if you would like a higher resolution version email me: and I will send it on.

Here are some pictures of a few minutes in DedhamChristmas

Christmas finally came to Squantum on Saturday the 29th with all 10 in attendamce. ChristmasSquantum

Finally I close this first attempt at a web page with our first attempt at a real Pizza, using not only home style ingredients but also a genuine pizza stone and (Ta Da!) a pizza peel. I'll leave you to guess what that is. OurPizza


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