Difference: WhatsNew (98 vs. 99)

Revision 9919 Apr 2013 - TobyCabot

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 (from Toby's perspective)
2013-03-29 - I just gave my two-week notice at MITRE. Smart people and important work, but I'm just not well-suited to work for the government.
2013-03-29 - I just gave my two-week notice at MITRE. Smart people and important work, but I'm just not well-suited to work for the government.

2013-03-22 - a couple of videos describing my work over the past 18 months have been posted on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jepSnkOIuzM and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jepSnkOIuzM

  2013-03-22 - Tory has been accepted to St. Lawrence University and Hobart College! We're planning to visit both in April and then she can decide where she wants to go.
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  2013-01 - I can't say I'm sad to see the end of 2012. Here's to an uneventful 2013! (I said this a year ago. Hope springs eternal!)
2012-12-23 - Vic went to church today without her wig and upon her return home has declared that her wig-wearing days are over!

2012-12-20 - Tory was also accepted at Lake Forest College! Looks like a trip to Chicago is in our future.

2012-12-10 - Tory was accepted early at Ohio Wesleyan University! She and I had visited OWU last summer on the Ohio Six Tour and were very impressed.

2012-11-06 - Vic's pathology report came back and everything looks great! Time to heal...

2012-06-28 - a frisky black bear was spotted roaming around our neighborhood the other day. It spent some time paying respects in the cemetery at the end of our street: http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/local/12007828220535/black-bear-sighted-in-dedham/

2012-06-21 - my project was announced today on the White House web site: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/news-releases-remarks/new-health-IT-effort-reducing-rx-drug-abuse

2012-03-18 - ATTENTION Massachusetts drivers! Be extra careful on the road as Tory Cabot has been unleashed upon the public with a driver's license.

2012-03-06 - Cleaning out Mom's house and I found my old class pictures from elementary school: ParkClassPix

2012-01-28 - I upgraded the operating system that this website runs on. Please let me know if anything's broken.

2012-01-19 - Vic's in la-la land raising money for WGU. When I'm on business trips I usually end up with a crappy small rental car. Not Vic.

2012-01 - I can't say I'm sad to see the end of 2011. Here's to an uneventful 2012!

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