Difference: WhatsNew (27 vs. 28)

Revision 2806 Apr 2003 - TobyCabot

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(from Toby's perspective)

2003-04-06 Our old landlord pointed us to a picture of our house as it looked in the mid-1800's. In the following picture our house is the one on the right: picture of our house (on the right)
 2003-04-02 I've been helping teach a course in GNU/Linux at TecsChange in Roxbury, which is a great organization. They help teach people how to use computers, and they also recycle old computers for use in social change. http://www.tecschange.org/ You can see our course notes at GnuLinuxIntro.

2003-01-26 I stumbled across the Style project which is just a couple of CSS stylesheets that are roughly the equivalent of a GUI widget set. A really cool idea. Anyway, I modified the Caboteria home page and Wiki to use the sheets with a simple 3-pane layout (props to Kurt Stam at One Heartbreak for the layout concept).

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 2001-10-31 Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. A new family member joined us over the weekend - bubbles the goldfish has taken up residence at the Caboteria. Mr. Fish was a very good fish, I hope Bubbles has a long and healthy future.

WhatsNew2001, WhatsOld

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="picture of our house (on the right)" date="1049664160" name="townhouse.jpg" path="C:\My Documents\My Pictures\townhouse.jpg" size="51889" user="tobyc" version="1.1"
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