Back again for another year!
- A donation to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Last year I bought myself a new motorcycle so I don't really need another, but I wouldn't mind a few parts for the new one. How about some mirrors?
- books! Maybe Neal Stephenson or Al Franken's most recent.
- Inexpensive ubiquitous wireless internet access (still looks like it will be a few more years before I get this).
- My earbud headphones that I use at work bit the dust, so I need some new ones. I like the ones that have soft rubber gaskets that form a seal in your ear.
- Anything that triggers my GreedAndLust.
And of course, and
especially this year,
Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men ...
In case you were wondering, you can see TobyXmasList2003. (Not sure why I didn't have one last year)
TobyCabot - 17 Nov 2005
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