The Caboteria / TWiki Web / WelcomeGuest (18 May 2010, TWikiContributor)

Welcome, TWikiGuest!

Welcome to The Caboteria! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee-kee site), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web browser. The Caboteria looks like a normal web site... except that it encourages contribution and editing of pages, questions, answers, comments and updates.

"Wiki" systems are fundamentally editable web pages. It's a fun and useful way of communicating asynchronously over the web for many existing intranet and public Internet sites. TWiki is simple to learn and use. It aims to provide a transparent way for you to publish and exchange your ideas with others over the web.

What's in a TWiki?

Some things to do

Some basics

Editing a topic

Creating a new topic

Viewing the history of a topic

Attaching files and images

Embedding objects

Related topics: UserDocumentationCategory, TWikiTutorial, ATasteOfTWiki, TWikiVariables, WikiSyntax, TWikiDocGraphics

-- Contributors: TWiki:Main/GrantBow, TWiki:Main/JonReid, TWiki:Main/MikeMannix, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.WelcomeGuest.