The Caboteria / TWiki Web / WebSearch / SearchHelp (13 Apr 2009, TWikiContributor)

Search Help

Search Pages

There are two search pages; WebSearch offers basic search features, while WebSearchAdvanced offers more control over searches.

By default searches are keyword based like in a typical search engine:

Regular expression search searches for a set of regular expression patterns:

Formatted Searches

You can embed a nicely formatted search in a topic by using the %SEARCH{}% variable described in VarSEARCH. Searches can be of different types; among others, TWiki offers keyword search, regular expression search and a flexible SQL-like query language.

Search TWiki Variables

TWiki Variables are text strings - %VARIABLE% or %VARIABLE{ parameter="value" }% - that expand into content whenever a topic is rendered for viewing. TWiki Variables are useful to create TWiki applications and workflows, but there are also variables for content creation such as %TOC% to show a table of content and %INCLUDE{}% to include another page.

You can search TWiki Variables.

Search Preferences

TWikiPreferences defines these search preferences:

Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced, FormattedSearch, RegularExpression, QuerySearch, TWikiVariablesSearch

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