Package ==
=head1 NAME
CGI::Session::Driver::DBI - Base class for native DBI-related CGI::Session drivers
require CGI::Session::Driver::DBI;
@ISA = qw( CGI::Session::Driver::DBI );
In most cases you can create a new DBI-driven CGI::Session driver by simply creating an empty driver file that inherits from CGI::Session::Driver::DBI. That's exactly what L<sqlite|CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite> does. The only reason why this class doesn't suit for a valid driver is its name isn't in lowercase. I'm serious!
=head2 NOTES
CGI::Session::Driver::DBI defines init() method, which makes DBI handle available for drivers in I
- object attribute regardless of what C<\%dsn_args> were used in creating session object. Should your driver require non-standard initialization you have to re-define init() method in your F<.pm> file, but make sure to set 'Handle' - object attribute to database handle (returned by DBI->connect(...)) if you wish to inherit any of the methods from CGI::Session::Driver::DBI.
=head1 STORAGE
Before you can use any DBI-based session drivers you need to make sure compatible database table is created for CGI::Session to work with. Following command will produce minimal requirements in most SQL databases:
CREATE TABLE sessions (
a_session TEXT NOT NULL
Your session table can define additional columns, but the above two are required. Name of the session table is expected to be I by default. You may use a different name if you wish. To do this you have to pass I as part of your C< \%dsn_args >:
$s = new CGI::Session("driver:sqlite", undef, {TableName=>'my_sessions'});
$s = new CGI::Session("driver:mysql", undef, {
Following driver arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item DataSource
First argument to be passed to L<DBI|DBI>->L<connect()|DBI/connect()>. If the driver makes
the database connection itself, it will also explicitly disconnect from the database when
the driver object is DESTROYed.
=item User
User privileged to connect to the database defined in C.
=item Password
Password of the I privileged to connect to the database defined in C
=item Handle
An existing L database handle object. The handle can be created on demand
by providing a code reference as a argument, such as C<<sub{DBI->connect}>>.
This way, the database connection is only created if it actually needed. This can be useful
when combined with a framework plugin like L<CGI::Application::Plugin::Session>, which creates
a CGI::Session object on demand as well.
C will override all the above arguments, if any present.
=item TableName
Name of the table session data will be stored in.
For support and licensing information see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>
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