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The root of all things WWW is the W3C: http://w3.org/

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  A guy at work likes these sites for javascript: http://www.javascriptkit.com/ (used to be called website abstraction) and http://www.js-examples.com.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar - very nice popup JS calendar, works only with modern browsers (IE 6/Moz). LGPL.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar - very nice popup JS calendar, works only with modern browsers (IE 6/Moz). LGPL.
http://mojavelinux.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6 - Javascript popup calendar for date input on web pages. Claims to be work with many browsers.
  http://kryogenix.org/code/browser/ - some interesting code such as tables that can be sorted by clicking on their headings.
http://mojavelinux.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6 - Javascript popup calendar for date input on web pages. Claims to be work with many browsers.
OpenThought - This project uses an interesting twist on the standard web paradigm: it downloads a page once and then uses javascript and DHTML to stream changes into the page. You never have to refresh the page. Cute. http://www.openthought.net/
Here's an article about a similar approach: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-httpget/index.html
OpenThought - This project uses an interesting twist on the standard web paradigm: it downloads a page once and then uses javascript and DHTML to stream changes into the page. You never have to refresh the page. Cute. http://www.openthought.net/
Here's an article that uses applets as proxies for javascript. It's an interesting approach that keeps the applets small but allows you to use database data to refresh web pages.
Here's an all-JS implementation: http://oss.metaparadigm.com/jsonrpc/
Here's an article that uses applets as proxies for javascript. It's an interesting approach that keeps the applets small but allows you to use database data to refresh web pages.
  http://www.tripi.com/arrowhead/ - this is a Java Servlet application that supports simple VBScript ASP syntax. Might be useful if I ever wanted to move an ASP application into a more open environment.
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