Difference: ProgrammingBookmarks (45 vs. 46)

Revision 4623 Apr 2012 - TobyCabot

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 Well-researched presentation about software management (team size, hours, etc): http://www.lostgarden.com/2008/09/rules-of-productivity-presentation.html

Developer Support Handbook - http://www.developer-support-handbook.org/intro.html

In this handbook, I mostly cover the first aspect of providing an API: support. It is probably the least glamorous aspect, but on the other hand, it is vital. You can have the best API in the world, but if people post in your forums and the response is just crickets chirping, then the developers will not stick around for very long. On the other hand, if you treat your developers well, then they will (for free) provide you with valuable insights about ways to improve your API, and they will evangelize your API for you.
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How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters - Uses Java examples but it's generally good advice for any language: http://lcsd05.cs.tamu.edu/slides/keynote.pdf
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