Difference: WhatsNew (84 vs. 85)

Revision 8526 Jul 2011 - TobyCabot

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 (from Toby's perspective)
2011-07-24 - Katharine's at Camp Birch Hill for the next two weeks. It's an old-fashioned overnight camp on a lake in NH. Tory's too old to be a camper, and she's too busy scooping at Ron's.

2011-07-19 - I've been empaneled on a jury for a civil trial in Norfolk County Superior Court. I've been called for jury duty twice before but never chosen. It will be interesting to see how it works out.

 2011-07-10 - Tory tells me that I should update this log more often, so let's see if I do.

2011-06 - Tory has a Summer job contributing to the American obesity epidemic at Ron's Ice Cream in Dedham Square. Just kidding, Ron's is actually the 3rd best ice cream in the entire world. Tory is looking forward to having one powerful scooping arm and one shriveled little dinosaur arm by the end of the summer.

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