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Revision 2702 Apr 2003 - TobyCabot

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(from Toby's perspective)

2003-04-02 I've been helping teach a course in GNU/Linux at TecsChange in Roxbury, which is a great organization. They help teach people how to use computers, and they also recycle old computers for use in social change. http://www.tecschange.org/ You can see our course notes at GnuLinuxIntro.
 2003-01-26 I stumbled across the Style project which is just a couple of CSS stylesheets that are roughly the equivalent of a GUI widget set. A really cool idea. Anyway, I modified the Caboteria home page and Wiki to use the sheets with a simple 3-pane layout (props to Kurt Stam at One Heartbreak for the layout concept).

2002-12-10 It's been a long time since the last update, but things have been busy lately. It's been a bumpy fall in terms of colds, sinus infections, ear infections, pneumonia, etc etc. Even the dog got an ear infection! But everyone is healthy at the moment, except for the most excellent noisy red car. I shouldn't be surprised after 13 years, but it's beginning to show its age.

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