Difference: TobyCabot (49 vs. 50)

Revision 5010 Dec 2009 - TobyCabot

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I don't trust technology. Sure, it's great for sharing cat photos or defacing Wikipedia or porn, but every day there's some new innovation that delegates another human task to an unthinking machine. Unthinking - for now... - Stephen Colbert (more CuteQuotes)

It's fun to search for your name on the Web. Tim Berners-Lee calls this "vanity

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 application development technologies. The combination of databases, scripting languages, and Web user interfaces is incredibly powerful! If you haven't played around with
perl or python
ruby or python
 then you owe it to yourself to find the time to do so.
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Here's my (stale) resume, my resume in PDF format and an informal resume (actually an email that I wrote to a friend). Note to recruiters: the online copy of my resume at this site is authoritative. Please do not ask me to send you a copy in Word format.
Here's my resume, and my resume in PDF format. Note to recruiters: the online copy of my resume at this site is authoritative. Please do not ask me to send you a copy in Word format.
At work I'm a software architect and developer specializing in the design and development of large-scale systems written in Java, although I've also built ASP/VBScript systems, and done lots of work in C.
At work I'm a software architect and developer specializing in the design and development of large-scale systems written in Ruby and Java (they work great together!), although I've also built ASP/VBScript systems, and done lots of work in C.
I work for http://sermo.com/ helping build their web site.
I'm currently looking for work.

I most recently worked for http://sermo.com/ helping build and run their web site.

  Before that I worked for Reva Systems, a startup building RFID infrastructure.
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 in charge of architecture, development, and performance groups (even the IT group for a while). We were a wild little independent software
company until the founder got greedy and sold out to
company until the founder sold out to
 Lucent in early '99. "Welcome to the Bell System, employee number 156,892. Please see the nurse for your implant." Working for the phone company (or at least one of the fragments of it) was interesting but it reinforced my belief that small companies are where it's at. Given that there's really no better job security at a place like Lucent than at a startup there's not a lot to recommend working there.
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 there were too many DilbertStories, so I moved back home to Boston.
If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at toby@caboteria.org. I love to get non-SPAM email.
If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at toby@caboteria.org.

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