Difference: TobyCabot (63 vs. 64)

Revision 6422 May 2023 - TobyCabot

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Toby Cabot

We have begun to pollute and desecrate and cheapen all of our experiences. We are creating neat little life-boxes for everything, all tied up with a geo-tag, a photo, a check-in; our daily existence transformed into database entries in some NoSQL database on some spinning disk in some rack in suburban Virginia. - Ted Nyman (more CuteQuotes)
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Here's my resume, and my resume in PDF format. Note to recruiters: the online copy of my resume at this site is authoritative. Please do not ask me to send you a copy in Word format.
Here's my resume. Note to recruiters: the online copy of my resume at this site is authoritative. Please do not ask me to send you a copy in Word format.

Informal Resume

At work I'm a software architect and developer specializing in the design and development of large-scale systems written in Ruby and Java (they work great together!), although I've also built ASP/VBScript systems, and done lots of work in C.
At work I'm a software architect and developer specializing in the design and development of large-scale systems written in Go, Python, and Ruby, although I've also built ASP/VBScript systems, and done lots of work in Java and C.
I work for Affectiva, a Media Lab spin-off with a technology that can measure people's emotions from their facial expressions.
I work for Acnodal, a startup company building networking add-ons for Kubernetes.

Before that I worked for Affectiva, a Media Lab spin-off with a technology that can measure people's emotions from their facial expressions. It turns out to be amazing demo-ware that solves a problem that only one company in the world cares about.

  Before that I worked for The MITRE Corporation on healthcare-related systems, mostly open source, for example: http://www.healthit.gov/PDMP and http://projectpophealth.org/.
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