Difference: TobyCabot (32 vs. 33)

Revision 3330 Jun 2003 - TobyCabot

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The computer is both blessing and curse for it makes possible calculations once beyond the reach of human endurance while at the same time also making them virtually beyond the hope of human verification. - Henry Petrosky (more CuteQuotes)
Fun book I've just finished reading: The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. I found this in my old room at my Mom's house and what with all of the LOTR movie hoopla I thought that I'd take another look. It was fun!
Fun book I've just finished reading: High And Mighty by Keith Bradsher. A very scary book about why SUV's kill more people than cars (both the people inside and the people they crash into) and why the auto makers depend on them to stay in business. It's a very scary book that makes me want to run out and buy an armored Crown Victoria. If you drive an SUV please sell it and buy a car.
  It's fun to search for your name on the Web. Tim Berners-Lee calls this "vanity surfing." TobyVanitySurf
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Here's my resume, my resume in PDF format
Here's my (stale) resume, my resume in PDF format
 and an informal resume (actually an email that I wrote to a friend). Note to recruiters: the online copy of my resume at this site is authoritative. Please do not ask me to send you a copy in Word format.
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