Difference: TobyCabot (21 vs. 22)

Revision 2213 Mar 2002 - TobyCabot

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Having the capital cost of equipment drop to effectively zero allows you to think bigger. You start thinking about the whole thing. For instance, the gutsy maneuver of saying "let's index it all," which was the breakthrough of Altavista . Altavista in 1995 was an astonishing achievement, not because of the hardware -- yes, that was interesting and important from a technical perspective -- but because of the mindset. "Let's go index every document in the world." And once you have that sort of mindset, you can get really far. - Brewster Kahle (more CuteQuotes)
Technology book I'm reading now: Fowler, Martin; UML Distilled Second Edition - the UML is a de facto standard way of describing computer software using pictures. It's a product of a branch of the industry that I despise (the CASE/process/methods/CMM whiners) but let's face it, there is no common language for describing software and this is pretty good.
 Fun book I'm reading now: Joseph Ellis, Founding Brothers. Pulitzer prize winner by a local author: a series of six vignettes each of which describes one crucial moment in the early history of this country, and the people who were involved in it. I'm through the first chapter, about the "interview" between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, and it was fascinating. Highly recommended.

It's fun to search for your name on the Web. Tim Berners-Lee calls this "vanity

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Here's my resume (courtesy of Pronet), and an informal resume (actually an email that I
Here's my resume, my resume in PDF format and an informal resume (actually an email that I
 wrote to a friend). Note to recruiters: the online copy of my resume at this site is authoritative. Please do not ask me to send you a copy in Word format.
At work I'm a development director at a small software company in Kendall Square called Black Ink Systems. It's a fun place to work; we're building real-time financial analytics software for communications carriers. It's a small high-octane team, and the product that we're building is new and different. It's basically a "magic mirror" that shows people what their network is doing from a financial perspective, i.e. revenues, costs, margins, etc. If we're successful then people will be able to manage their networks as if they were a portfolio of financial instruments. My job is to design things, write good code, and in general try to share some of my experience with the development team (who are very bright but pretty junior).
At work I'm CTO of a small software company in Kendall Square called Black Ink Systems. It's a fun place to work; we're building real-time financial analytics software for communications carriers. It's a high-octane team, and the product that we're building is new and different: a "magic mirror" that shows people what their network is doing from a financial perspective, e.g. revenues, costs, margins, etc. If we're successful then people will be able to manage their networks as if they were a portfolio of financial instruments. My job is to design things, write good code, and in general try to share some of my experience with the development team.
  Before Black Ink I was the CTO and co-founder of a software startup called SaltFire which built financial transaction processing infrastructure for communications carriers. Starting a company was a very intense experience and while the company wasn't successful I'm glad that I took the leap. I learned a lot and met some very cool people.
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