Web Service Definition Language - "an XML grammar for describing network services as collections of communication endpoints capable of exchanging messages."


Each WSDL document is an XML document whose structure is roughly:

 types (uses XML schema to define data types)
 message (each message is a struct of "parts", parts are defined using the types defined above)
 portType (groups an input message, an output message, and faults)
  different "operations" can be defined based on whether there's an input, an output, or
  both, and the order in which they happen:
   One-way: input only
   Request-response: input, then output
   Solicit-response: output, then input
   Notification: output only
 binding (specifies protocol info, i.e. how (but not where) to access the portType)
 service (a group of ports)
  ports (defines an "endpoint", i.e. where to access a binding)

You can import one wsdl document into another.

-- TobyCabot - 30 Dec 2003

This topic: Tech > WsdlNotes
Topic revision: r1 - 30 Dec 2003 - TobyCabot
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