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Web Server Overview

Different options for establishing a presence: hosting (shared, dedicated), co-location, in-house. Cost/benefit. Professional vs. fun.

Which web server? Apache, boa, AOLServer.

Let's assume Apache for our purposes. It's the most popular web server on the public internet, with more sites served than all other web servers combined.

Apache documentation:

Different categories of files:

Static pages vs. cgi vs. server extensions. PHP.

Startup, shutdown. /usr/sbin/apachectl

Good server hygeine

Case study: the Caboteria http://www.caboteria.org/. The goal is to have fun so it's run on a cable modem with DNS hosted by a DNS hosting company. Apache, Debian, Wiki, PHP. Pros: flexible. Cons: not reliable (IP change, cable outage, power outage, hw failure).

-- TobyCabot - 24 Mar 2003

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Topic revision: r3 - 25 Mar 2003 - TobyCabot
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