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The root of all things WWW is the W3C: http://w3.org/

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an Open Source community project developing software tools and knowledge based documentation that helps people secure web applications and web services. At this point it looks as if their most important document is The OWASP Guide to Building Secure Web Applications and Web Services.

http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/whenToUseGet.html - "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST", i.e. when to use GET and when to use POST.
http://martinfowler.com/articles/richardsonMaturityModel.html - "steps toward the glory of REST" also talks about which HTTP verb to use when.

Accessibility is important: http://diveintoaccessibility.info/

A collection of simple recommendations for decent Web application frontends: http://roca-style.org/


A guy at work likes these sites for javascript: http://www.javascriptkit.com/ (used to be called website abstraction) and http://www.js-examples.com.

http://mojavelinux.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6 - Javascript popup calendar for date input on web pages. Claims to be work with many browsers.

http://kryogenix.org/code/browser/ - some interesting code such as tables that can be sorted by clicking on their headings.

OpenThought - This project uses an interesting twist on the standard web paradigm: it downloads a page once and then uses javascript and DHTML to stream changes into the page. You never have to refresh the page. Cute. http://www.openthought.net/
Here's an article about a similar approach: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-httpget/index.html

Here's an article that uses applets as proxies for javascript. It's an interesting approach that keeps the applets small but allows you to use database data to refresh web pages.
Here's an all-JS implementation: http://oss.metaparadigm.com/jsonrpc/

google maps is based on javascript. Here's a tutorial: http://www.econym.demon.co.uk/googlemaps/

Client-side charts and other widgets using JS:
http://code.google.com/p/flot/ - based on jquery


HOWTO format ISO 8601 dates in Javascript: http://delete.me.uk/2005/03/iso8601.html

Sometimes people want rounded corners on boxes. Here's one way to do it: http://www.curvycorners.net/, and another: http://www.ruzee.com/blog/shadedborder
a jquery plugin: http://www.atblabs.com/jquery.corners.html

http://bramp.github.com/js-sequence-diagrams/ - client-side sequence diagrams rendered by JS


Async JS and XML.

http://prototypejs.org/ - seems to be the ur-library for AJAX.

Docs for Prototype:

http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2006/08/23/xsldatagrid-xslt-ajax.html - the XSL data grid - send plain XHTML to the browser, then XSLT transform it, then plug it into the DOM.

http://dojotoolkit.org/ - looks pretty nice - integrated into Apache Geronimo.


http://www.tripi.com/arrowhead/ - this is a Java Servlet application that supports simple VBScript ASP syntax. Might be useful if I ever wanted to move an ASP application into a more open environment.

http://asp2php.naken.cc/ - an ASP/VBScript to PHP converter.

CSS http://learnlayout.com/ - Learn CSS Layout. Step-by-step explanation of how CSS layout works, with many examples.
http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/index.html - advanced css positioning
http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/01/reset-reloaded/ - how to start with a baseline set of CSS defaults that work the same across different browsers.
http://style.tigris.org/ - a set of open-source CSS stylesheets. A really cool idea, but unfortunately unmaintained
http://wiki.github.com/stubbornella/oocss - newer alternative to the previous entry, pretty popular
http://www.mollio.org/ - similar to style, a set of open-source CSS stylesheets. Very good-looking.
http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/ultimate-multi-column-liquid-layouts-em-and-pixel-widths - a set of example pages showing how to do multi-column layouts
http://blueprintcss.org/ - another CSS framework
http://cssgrid.net/ - like blue print but more liquid
http://gallery.theopalgroup.com/selectoracle/ - a tool that parses and explains CSS selectors.
http://csszengarden.com/ - an amazing example of what CSS can do
http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/ - listamatic: like Zen Garden but for lists
http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=UsingPercent - a page that shows how to use CSS to make images resize dynamically when the page size changes
http://www.gamingheadlines.co.uk/wod/formstyle/index.html - how to use CSS and JS together to add style to checkboxes and radio controls


http://www.cacert.org/ - a community-based certificate provider
http://www.xrampssl.com/ - an alternative digital certificate provider.
http://www.freessl.com - a low-cost commercial certificate provider.


http://www.linode.com/ (use them now, works great), http://vpslink.com/ (used to use them - good but can't use debian dist-upgrade), http://slicehost.com/, http://prgmr.com/xen/ (much less expensive), http://w4networks.com/ (also inexpensive)

Fast Web Services - when XML costs too much - http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/WebServices/fastWS/

Browser Caching - Internet Explorer has badly broken cache behavior, but this appnote can help you work around it: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/Q234/0/67.ASP&NoWebContent=1&NoWebContent=1

Opening Pop-ups - this a hugely bad idea, but sometimes the client insists. http://www.sitepoint.com/article/1041/1

http://squidfingers.com/patterns/ - a set of tiled patterns, good for backgrounds.

http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/quirks/ - explains the different ways that Mozilla renders web pages and how to choose which one gets used.

Presentations - http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/

Nice icons - http://famfamfam.com/lab/icons/, http://www.agiletech.ie/blog/128x16x16, http://adamwhitcroft.com/batch/

Posting a form back to itself - can be handy when you're trying to build something that works like Servlet authentication, only using ad-hoc code: http://carehart.org/blog/client/index.cfm/2007/1/2/form_self_post

IE Developer Toolbar - kinda like firebug. useful for debugging CSS: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=e59c3964-672d-4511-bb3e-2d5e1db91038&displaylang=en

Design Patterns - turns out they apply to user interface as well as code - http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/

Browser Reflow - a short youtube vid that shows how mozilla goes about rendering the mozilla.org page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTnIxIA5KGw

Let's Make the Web Faster - http://code.google.com/speed/articles/

How to Turn Off Form Autocompletion - for high-security environments like HIPAA https://developer.mozilla.org/En/How_to_Turn_Off_Form_Autocompletion

Everything you ever wanted to know about building a secure password reset feature - http://www.troyhunt.com/2012/05/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know.html

Why Your Links Should Never Say “Click Here” - http://uxmovement.com/content/why-your-links-should-never-say-click-here/

This topic: Tech > WebProgrammingBookmarks
Topic revision: r67 - 24 Mar 2013 - TobyCabot
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