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The root of all things WWW is the W3C: http://w3.org/


I'm not sure that I like javascript, but it looks as if a good approach is to use a library which hides browser incompatibility. Like RelativeLayers http://relativelayers.sourceforge.net/

A guy at work likes these sites for javascript: http://www.javascriptkit.com/ (used to be called website abstraction) and http://www.js-examples.com.

OpenThought - This project uses an interesting twist on the standard web paradigm: it downloads a page once and then uses javascript and DHTML to stream changes into the page. You never have to refresh the page. Cute. http://www.openthought.net/

Here's an article that uses applets as proxies for javascript. It's an interesting approach that keeps the applets small but allows you to use database data to refresh web pages.

-- TobyCabot - 04 Jan 2002 - 28 Feb 2002

This topic: Tech > WebProgrammingBookmarks
Topic revision: r5 - 28 Feb 2002 - TobyCabot
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