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The Art of Unix Programming (a/k/a TAOUP) - Eric Raymond has been a fixture in the Unix community for a long time, and has a keen interest not just in the nuts and bolts of the technology but also the culture. This is his work in progress which attempts to document Unix programming lore. http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/taoup/

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide - grew out of the Linux HOWTO's but now it's a very complete document which describes the ins and outs of shell programming. http://linuxdoc.org/LDP/abs/html/

Recursive Make Considered Harmful - how to structure a large project so that it has a single modular Makefile, and why that's better than recursive make: http://miller.emu.id.au/pmiller/books/rmch/

Upside-Down-Ternet - If I ever get a wireless router I am so going to set it up like this: http://www.ex-parrot.com/pete/upside-down-ternet.html

This topic: Tech > UnixProgrammingBookmarks
Topic revision: r3 - 17 Feb 2008 - TobyCabot
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