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http://www.videolan.org/ - interesting project with clients and servers for streaming video.

http://freevo.sourceforge.net/ , http://www.freevix.org/, http://www.mythtv.org/ - linux mini-distros for media PC's (i.e. linux-driven tv)

http://www.conglomerate.org/ - client-server xml document management system. The project appears to be dead, but I like the approach that they took.

http://www.troubleshooters.com/tpromag/200104/200104.htm - Who owns your data?
http://orange.math.buffalo.edu/csc/resolution2_april2003_approved.html - SUNY Buffalo faculty senate resolution encouraging GNU/Linux and free software.

http://festvox.org/ - voice synthesis.
http://www.gear21.com/speech/html/ - voice recognition
http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/ - Dasher, an extremely cool character input method that looks like a great alternative to graffiti.

http://www.r-goetz.de/minkowsky/en/ - an interesting contact and appointment manager (the code is crap, so check back around 2003Q1)

http://starship.python.net/crew/tibs/iso8211/iso8211.html - ISO 8211 is a standard "used as a transport mechanism by various geographic information transfer standards". i.e. a way to store and process nautical charts. This page has an intro and some Python code. See also http://www.weft.co.uk/library/xmlchart/ for Java code.

http://hn.org/ - dynamic dns

http://www.openeai.org/ - open source enterprise application integration

http://azz.us-lot.org/code.html - see the code for rawdog which is a simple Python rss aggregator.

Work Flow

http://www.wfmd.org/ - work flow meta data

http://www.openflow.it/ - work flow in Python

http://werkflow.werken.com/ - work flow in Java/XML

http://bonita.debian-sf.objectweb.org/ - work flow in Java

This topic: Tech > TechBookmarks
Topic revision: r22 - 23 May 2003 - TobyCabot
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