Tahoe-LAFS is described as "the first decentralized storage system with provider-independent security". Its name indicates that it's a "file system" but it works differently than traditional file systems in ways that are important to understand before you start using it. This doc will try to explain at a high level, in plain English, how Tahoe-LAFS works and provide links that will allow you to learn about it in detail.

Before we go any further, please read the one-page summary, then come back here. That page indicated that Tahoe-LAFS provides a guarantee that you can store your data on servers that you don't trust, and the administrators of those servers won't be able to read your data. That's a very cool feature!

This topic: Tech > TechNotes > TahoeLAFSNotes
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Jun 2011 - TobyCabot
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