The Caboteria / Tech Web / DocBookTips (revision 1)
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DocBook is a structured document format that allows you to write a document in SGML (or XML) and then convert it to many different formats. There are two different DTD's for DocBook: one for SGML and one for XML.

I won't talk much about SGML in this document. It's probably more powerful than XML (since XML is a subset of SGML) but I think that XML has more industry support and therefore more interesting possibilities.

Docbook home:
Docbook repository:

Docbook per se consists of a "Document Type Definition" or DTD which defines the strcuture of a valid docbook document. There are SGML and XML versions.


Quick Start Guide:
Debian HOWTO:

There are two different DTD's which you might find relevant: the full version and the simplified version. The full version implements the complete set of docbook elements and the simplified version implements a small subset (basically enough to allow you to write articles but not books).

You can serve simplified docbook files directly to modern browsers! Make sure that the content-type is text/xml (set in apache config file mime.types ). Put the DTD and sdocbook.css files somewhere that the browser can find them and you should be off to the races.

-- TobyCabot - 28 Jun 2001

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