Model-view-controller is a design pattern that defines a structure that works well for user interface programming. It came out of the Smalltalk community and has since been adopted by the deisgn patterns folks [link]. The basic idea of MVC is to separate the data that the user is working with (the model) from the business logic (the controller) from the presentation (the view). It's a nice idea and it works well in practice, too.

People have tried to apply MVC to web user interfaces but it's not as clean a fit. The biggest issue is that the web is stateless so there's no persistent "model", what passes for a model is the data that will get displayed on the page that the view returns to the user. So the breakdown is usually like so:

-- TobyCabot - 24 Nov 2002

This topic: Tech > BrowserSideMvc
Topic revision: r1 - 24 Nov 2002 - TobyCabot
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