I'm a consumer just like everyone else. I realize that things aren't the solution to the few problems that I've got, but I lust after things just the same. I hope that by writing down the things that I want I'll see how silly and unnecessary they really are. On the other hand...

Aerostich Roadcrafter motorcycle suit. I can almost justify this insanely expensive suit on the basis that I'm less likely to look like pizza if I get off of my motorcycle while its moving. But the reality is that I want one of these suits precisely because they're expensive rather than any other reason.

Compaq Ipaq PDA. It runs GNU/Linux so it must be great, right? In principle this device might make sense for me, but in practice it would be a huge (albeit fun) time sink. I've already got a Palm II which is boring but keeps track of addresses just fine. But I want I want I want one of these.

Ventura Vmatic watch. I don't even wear a watch, so why do I lust after this $1000 lump of titanium?

Ducati 996. This bike is so baaad that if I ever owned one I'm sure it would laugh at me every time I rode it. But I saw one parked near my office the other day and it really got the juices flowing.

-- TobyCabot - 25 Apr 2002

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Topic revision: r1 - 25 Apr 2002 - TobyCabot
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