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Dad passed away more than a year ago. I miss him very much but it`s time to start figuring out what to do with his stuff. We managed to sell the OldJaguar which let ...
Tory, her friends, and their dates.
On our way to Lisa and John Thompson`s house on Christmas afternoon we stopped off at Chris Brookie`s for a few minutes. This gave me a chance to try out my new ...
What`s your favorite real life Dilbert story? Here are mine. Dilbert Story 1: The World`s Most Expensive Shampoo GTECH hired a woman to do PR not long before I left ...
I have a 2002 Ducati Monster M750S ie that I bought in December 2004 from a guy in Roslindale (see BuyingTheDuc). Evidently he hadn`t ridden it much because ...
Ducati Revs New England 2010 track day at Loudon.
On Katharine`s birthday we went on the Duck Boat Tour.
Number of topics: 11
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