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The root of all things WWW is the W3C: http://w3.org/

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  Here's an article that uses applets as proxies for javascript. It's an interesting approach that keeps the applets small but allows you to use database data to refresh web pages.
http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/index.html - advanced css positioning
 http://www.tripi.com/arrowhead/ - this is a Java Servlet application that supports simple VBScript ASP syntax. Might be useful if I ever wanted to move an ASP application into a more open environment.

http://asp2php.naken.cc/ - an ASP/VBScript to PHP converter.

http://style.tigris.org/ - a set of open-source CSS stylesheets. A really cool idea.
http://squidfingers.com/patterns/ - a set of tiled patterns, good for backgrounds.
http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/index.html - advanced css positioning
http://style.tigris.org/ - a set of open-source CSS stylesheets. A really cool idea.
http://gallery.theopalgroup.com/selectoracle/ - a tool that parses and explains CSS selectors.
http://csszengarden.com/ - an amazing example of what CSS can do
http://gallery.theopalgroup.com/selectoracle/ - a tool that parses and explains CSS selectors.
http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/quirks/ - explains the different ways that Mozilla renders web pages and how to choose which one gets used.
http://www.xrampssl.com/ - an alternative digital certificate provider.
http://www.freessl.com - a low-cost commercial certificate provider.
http://www.xrampssl.com/ - an alternative digital certificate provider.
http://squidfingers.com/patterns/ - a set of tiled patterns, good for backgrounds.

http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/quirks/ - explains the different ways that Mozilla renders web pages and how to choose which one gets used.

  Fast Web Services - when XML costs too much - http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/WebServices/fastWS/
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