Difference: WebAlbumSoftware (33 vs. 34)

Revision 3428 Dec 2001 - TobyCabot

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 Over the past few years I've taken some snapshots of the family. My Dad's a very competent photgrapher; he's grabbed some amazing candids of people for many years. Me, I just point'n'shoot. I thought it would be fun to put some of these photos online, although they're probably boring for everyone but the people in them.

Being a software enthusiast I thought that I'd look around for an open source photo album package. I didn't have to look far, although I did end up looking pretty widely at the category. Which leads to:


This category of software is a pretty good example of "just because you can - doesn't mean you should." In other words, there are far too many of these programs (current count: 38) and almost all of them are more-or-less the same. The problem is that there are so many that it becomes difficult to pick a good one without wasting time wading through 3 or 4 (or 15 or 20) that are a complete waste of everybody's time.
This category of software is a pretty good example of "just because you can - doesn't mean you should." In other words, there are far too many of these programs (current count: 39) and almost all of them are more-or-less the same. The problem is that there are so many that it becomes difficult to pick a good one without wasting time wading through 3 or 4 (or 15 or 20) that are a complete waste of everybody's time.
  I know I shouldn't rag on people for trying to do the right thing, but in this case I think people are actually hurting the open source community by releasing yet another half-baked project which will suck resources that might be better focussed on one or two that have a chance to become decent.
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 JCS Image Display - version 1.0.0 as of 2001-11-28 http://www.jcs.k12.oh.us/devel/

PHP, dynamic.

galrey - 0.5.3 as of 2001-12-28 http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/galrey.html

Seen in the Debian distro, not sure what the home page is. perl, static.

and last, but not least...
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