Difference: WebAlbumSoftware (16 vs. 17)

Revision 1714 Aug 2001 - TobyCabot

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Over the past few years I've taken some snapshots of the family. My Dad's a very competent photgrapher; he's grabbed some amazing candids of people for many years. Me, I just point'n'shoot. I thought it would be fun to put some of these photos online, although they're probably boring for everyone but the people in them.

Being a software enthusiast I thought that I'd look around for an open source photo album package. I didn't have to look far, although I did end up looking pretty widely at the category. Which leads to:


 This category of software is a pretty good example of "just because you can - doesn't mean you should." In other words, there are far too many of these programs and almost all of them suck. The problem is that there are so many that it becomes difficult to pick a good one without wasting time wading through 3 or 4 (or 10 or 12) that are a complete waste of everybody's time.

I know I shouldn't rag on people for trying to do the right thing, but in this case I think people are actually hurting the open source community by releasing yet another half-baked project which will suck resources that might be better focussed on one or two that have a chance to become decent.

So if you're thinking of releasing your cheezy web picture album perl script - DON'T! Even if it has some spiffy feature that none have, please swallow your pride and add that feature to someone else's package. We'll all be better off in the long run.
So if you're thinking of releasing your cheezy web picture album perl script - DON'T! Even if it has some spiffy feature that none have, please swallow your pride and add that feature to someone else's package. We'll all be better off in the long run.
  Think I'm kidding? Try a search for "album":
  Without further ado, my experience with these packages (or notes of ones I've seen on freshmeat):
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  Dynamic PHP, lots of features. Rather pretentious name since there are at least 4 other packages that have "gallery" in the name.
slooze - version 0.2.3 as of 2001-08-14 http://www.slooze.com/

Dynamic PHP. Probably the best docs of any of the packages I've seen so far. Uses dynamic PHP, text files or databases.

tof - version 1.2 as of 2001-08-14 http://www.bearteam.org/tof/

Quote the author: "based on slooze, and additionally has viewing rights, picture rating and sorting by rate, indexing with keywords, picture upload through the web, thumbnail creation, and multiple languages support."

 cyphor - version 0.19 as of 2001-07-03 http://www.cynox.ch/cyphor/

Requires PHP4 and mysql, I didn't get much beyond that.

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