Difference: WebAlbumSoftware (15 vs. 16)

Revision 1613 Aug 2001 - TobyCabot

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  Another shell script (proving that my comment above is incorrect).
HTMLSpinnr's PhotoDisplay - version 2.61 as of 2001-08-08.

PHP, dynamic. Looks like a fork of "Martin's photo frame".

WebMagick - version 2.01 as of 2001-08-13 http://webmagick.sourceforge.net/

perl script, looks as if it generates static HTML with JavaScript. Themeable, uses ImageMagick to filter many different types of images so it should be good if you've got a bunch of off-the-wall image formats lying around. Extensive docs.

 album - version 2.11 as of 2001-06-26 http://marginalhacks.com/Hacks/album/

Static perl, has themes. I've tried this one and it works well. It doesn't depend on funky software, the themes are easy to hack and it doesn't require strange data files for it to run (just point it at a directory full of jpg files).

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  In summary, why expose yourself to more risk than you need to? Use the static approach.
Think I'm kidding? On 2001-08-13 one of these packages (name withheld because I don't want to single anyone out) posted a new version with the comment A major security bug which allows visitors to view just about anything the script has access to on your system has been fixed. Now, how many such bugs remain, and how many of these packages have similar bugs that nobody's taken the time to fix?

  -- TobyCabot - 14 Jun 2001
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