Difference: WebAlbumSoftware (10 vs. 11)

Revision 1103 Jul 2001 - TobyCabot

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This category of software is a pretty good example of "just because you can - doesn't mean you should." In other words, there are far too many of these programs and almost all of them suck. The problem is that there are so many that it becomes difficult to pick a good one without wasting time wading through 3 or 4 that are a complete waste of everybody's time.
This category of software is a pretty good example of "just because you can - doesn't mean you should." In other words, there are far too many of these programs and almost all of them suck. The problem is that there are so many that it becomes difficult to pick a good one without wasting time wading through 3 or 4 (or 10 or 12) that are a complete waste of everybody's time.
  I know I shouldn't rag on people for trying to do the right thing, but in this case I think people are actually hurting the open source community by releasing yet another half-baked project which will suck resources that might be better focussed on one or two that have a chance to become decent.
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  Without further ado, my experience with these packages:
cyphor - version 0.19 as of 2001-07-03 http://www.cynox.ch/cyphor/

Requires PHP4 and mysql, I didn't get much beyond that.

 web-gallery - version 1.2 as of 2001-06-26 http://www.anders.com/projects/webgallery/

perl, imagemagick, builds static web pages.

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  Don't know much about this one.

Atomic Photo Album - version 0.6b as of 2001-07-03 http://www.ece.fr:8000/~charissi/atomic/

PHP, seems to be pretty feature-rich. I'd worry about radiactive leakage, though.

 PicBook - version 2.1 as of 2001-03-04 http://Welcome.To/PicBook/

The only bourne shell script of the lot, so this one gets points for originality. Generates static pages, is themeable, looks pretty good. Unfortunately the generated pages are chock full o' frames and javascript, which I find tacky. Also, the default theme puts a banner ad in the generated pages which sets off warning bells.

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