Difference: RubyNotes (5 vs. 6)

Revision 620 Oct 2010 - TobyCabot

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META TOPICPARENT name="ProgrammingNotes"
RVM is a nice tool that manages multiple installations of Ruby, JRuby, gems, etc. It's very useful if you're working on both Ruby and JRuby projects. http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/
Since RVM compiles each version of ruby locally you need to make sure that you've installed the -dev packages for the features that you want. Readline, for example: libreadline-dev on debian. http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=23925&group_id=1900&atid=7436
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  Invoking a method with a ampersand-parameter: http://blog.jayfields.com/2007/01/ruby-invoking-method-with.html


http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ - RVM is the Ruby Version Manager. It's a nice solution to having multiple versions of Ruby and sets of Ruby gems installed



http://bashdb.sourceforge.net/ruby-debug.html - ruby debugger user's guide

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Rails Development

https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994-ruby-on-rails - the Rails "trac" site appears to be obsolete although it has powerful Google-fu
https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994-ruby-on-rails - this is the "official" Rails bug tracking system. The Rails "trac" site appears to be obsolete although it has powerful Google-fu
 http://rubyglasses.blogspot.com/2009/07/rails-gotchas-undefined-method-expects.html - you need to install the Mocha gem by hand
Also need to install sqlite3, libsqlite3-dev, and the sqlite3-ruby gem.
$ cd activerecord && rake test-sqlite3
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