Difference: ProgrammingBookmarks (37 vs. 38)

Revision 3819 Nov 2010 - TobyCabot

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META TOPICPARENT name="TechBookmarks"
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I'm trying the first approach. It seems less complex.

Setting up a new machine looks like:

$ cd
$ git init .
$ git remote add caboteria ssh://user@host/path_to_repo/dotfiles.git
$ git fetch caboteria mitre:caboteria/mitre
$ git checkout -fb mitre caboteria/mitre
 CVS is the Concurrent Versions System, a tool for source code revision control. The CVS home page is at http://www.cvshome.org/ and the User's Guide (also called the "Cederqvist Manual" because it was written by a guy named Per Cederqvist) is at http://www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs/doc/cvs_toc.html. A book called "Open Source Development With CVS" is partially online. The parts that are online seem to overlap substantially with the Cederqvist book but might be useful: http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.htm

CVS is fundamentally a UNIX program, but there are several different clients available. WinCVS is the most commonly used, but it's not very easy for non-technical people to use. At a couple of shops I've worked at we used CVS for code and Microsoft's VSS for documents. This is a bad idea for a lot of reasons, not least of which is that it requires you to use Windows to access version control. That's why I'm really excited about TortoiseCVS http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ which is a very well-designed Windows interface for CVS. It plugs into the Windows File Explorer so there's no new UI to learn; you perform version control operations from within a tool that everybody already knows how to use. Cool! (You can make TortoiseCVS play nicely with Cygwin if you tell TortoiseCVS to use your Cygwin home directory as its home. That way you can check out a directory tree using TortoiseCVS and then do cvs operations in Cygwin without having to login again. right click->CVS->Preferences... then click on the "Quirky" tab)

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