Difference: OpenEjbNotes (1 vs. 7)

Revision 718 Feb 2002 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
 This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

Line: 26 to 26
src/facilities/org/openejb/corba/Server.java is the main entry point, usually called by launch_server.sh. Expects a properties file as arg[0] (usually conf/xopenejb_startup.props).
see http://openejb.sourceforge.net/design_openejb.html
org.openejb.corba.core.Initializer does the initialization.
entry point is OpenEJB.init(). Initializes in turn:
  • SecurityManager
  • Properties
  • Assembler
    • assembler.build()
    • assembler.getContainerSystem()
    • assembler.getSecurityService()
    • assembler.getTransactionManager()
Unit Tests

Revision 618 Feb 2002 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
 This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

Line: 33 to 33
Unit Tests
Run the test.sh script. The test target in the build scripts seems to be broken.
2 approaches:
  • Run the test.sh script.
  • ./build.sh; ./build.sh test you need to build twice because build test checks for the existence of a jar that's built during the process so it fails.
  test.sh runs org.openejb.test.ClientTestRunner.
-- TobyCabot - 07 Nov 2001
-- TobyCabot - 07 Nov 2001 - 18 Feb 2002

Revision 509 Dec 2001 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
 This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

Line: 30 to 30
  org.openejb.corba.core.Initializer does the initialization.

Unit Tests

Run the test.sh script. The test target in the build scripts seems to be broken.

test.sh runs org.openejb.test.ClientTestRunner.

 -- TobyCabot - 07 Nov 2001

Revision 409 Dec 2001 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
 This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

Line: 16 to 16
  4. Execute the deploy tool.
WINDOWS> deploy conf\default.openejb.conf test\beans\undeployedBeans.jar
WINDOWS> deploy conf\default.openejb.conf dist\beans\undeployedBeans.jar
LINUX$ ./deploy.sh conf/default.openejb.conf test/beans/undeployedBeans.jar
LINUX$ ./deploy.sh conf/default.openejb.conf dist/beans/undeployedBeans.jar

Then to run, use the start_openejb.sh script in the root directory.

Revision 311 Nov 2001 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
 This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

Line: 28 to 28
  src/facilities/org/openejb/corba/Server.java is the main entry point, usually called by launch_server.sh. Expects a properties file as arg[0] (usually conf/xopenejb_startup.props).
org.openejb.corba.core.Initializer does the initialization.
  -- TobyCabot - 07 Nov 2001

Revision 211 Nov 2001 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
 This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

Line: 23 to 23
  Then to run, use the start_openejb.sh script in the root directory.


src/facilities/org/openejb/corba/Server.java is the main entry point, usually called by launch_server.sh. Expects a properties file as arg[0] (usually conf/xopenejb_startup.props).

 -- TobyCabot - 07 Nov 2001

Revision 107 Nov 2001 - TobyCabot

Line: 1 to 1
This seems like an interesting project, still in its infancy. http://openejb.exolab.org/

to build:

1. Get a fresh checkout of the source (see website for details)
WINDOWS/LINUX> cvs checkout openejb

2. Go to the new 'openejb' directory
WINDOWS/LINUX> cd openejb

3. Build the source
WINDOWS> build jar
LINUX$ ./build.sh jar

4. Execute the deploy tool.

WINDOWS> deploy conf\default.openejb.conf test\beans\undeployedBeans.jar

LINUX$ ./deploy.sh conf/default.openejb.conf test/beans/undeployedBeans.jar

Then to run, use the start_openejb.sh script in the root directory.

-- TobyCabot - 07 Nov 2001

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