Difference: LaborIntensiveTv (40 vs. 41)

Revision 4119 Jan 2007 - TobyCabot

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Most folks buy their TV's at places like Sears or Best Buy, and there's a lot to be said for plunking your credit card down and driving home with a functional television set. But that's not my style. I've been using a Commodore 64 color monitor hooked up to a VCR since the late 80's and it's worked great. On the other hand, VCR's are going the way of the dodo and a 13" television with weak mono sound isn't much fun so I should probably upgrade.
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  2006-07-19 - everything's been humming along great for quite some time. The 0.19 branch + PVR-500 is really stable. Now if only there were something worth watching...
2007-01-19 - phoenix, my fancy Compaq server, started having disk controller problems so I shut it down and moved to an old Athlon machine that I was using as a diskless workstation. It's not very powerful but it uses all commodity parts, so it should be easier than the Compaq with its tweaky proprietary hardware. Anyway, there's been progress in packaging the stuff that Debian needs since 2006-02-05 when I set up sandcastle (e.g. http://packages.debian.org/testing/x11/ivtv-source). Here's the scoop:
  • make sure that the contrib repository is enabled in apt-get
  • sudo aptitude install module-assistant
  • sudo apt-get source ivtv-source; apt-get build-dep ivtv-source (this creates an ivtv-0.8.1/ directory).
  • (cd ivtv-0.8.1/ && dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo -b) - this creates two .deb packages, ivtv-source_0.8.1-2_all.deb and ivtv-utils_0.8.1-2_i386.deb
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="soundblaster live mixer configuration" date="1064114309" name="mythtv-mixer.txt" path="mythtv-mixer.txt" size="10482" user="tobyc" version="1.1"
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