Difference: LaborIntensiveTv (35 vs. 36)

Revision 3606 Feb 2006 - TobyCabot

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Most folks buy their TV's at places like Sears or Best Buy, and there's a lot to be said for plunking your credit card down and driving home with a functional television set. But that's not my style. I've been using a Commodore 64 color monitor hooked up to a VCR since the late 80's and it's worked great. On the other hand, VCR's are going the way of the dodo and a 13" television with weak mono sound isn't much fun so I should probably upgrade.
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2006-02-05 - sandcastle was a disappointment - I couldn't get it to run reliably. So I moved the 200G drive back to noisy old phoenix and bought a PVR-500 card on ebay. Setting it up was non-trivial, but here's what seemed to work, based on instructions on http://ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Howto:Debian:

  • upgrade debian to 2.6.15, which didn't work off the bat. I had to make an initd that didn't use lvm. I used the yaird tool, e.g. $ mkinitrd.yaird -o /tmp/initrd 2.6.15-1-686-smp. This boots OK.
  • upgrade debian to 2.6.15, which didn't work off the bat. I had to make an initrd that didn't use lvm. I used the yaird tool, e.g. $ mkinitrd.yaird -o /tmp/initrd 2.6.15-1-686-smp. This boots OK.
  • Now that I'm on 2.6.15 the module-assistant prepare command works.
  • $ sudo module-assistant auto-install ivtv0.4
  • download pvr_2.0.24.23035.zip from the link on http://ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Firmware, unzip and copy the files to the hotplug directory. I only had to copy the files in "step 1", to the hotplug directory.
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  • Because the pvr-500 records the sound itself there's no soundcard configuration, which is nice.
2006-02-06 - watching live TV works fine, but recording shows doesn't seem to work. I'll try to fix this by pruning entries for the old card from the db tables capturecard and cardinput.
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="soundblaster live mixer configuration" date="1064114309" name="mythtv-mixer.txt" path="mythtv-mixer.txt" size="10482" user="tobyc" version="1.1"
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