Difference: LaborIntensiveTv (14 vs. 15)

Revision 1515 Dec 2003 - TobyCabot

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Most folks buy their TV's at places like Sears or Best Buy, and there's a lot to be said for plunking your credit card down and driving home with a functional television set. But that's not my style. I've been using a Commodore 64 color monitor hooked up to a VCR since the late 80's and it's worked great. On the other hand, VCR's are going the way of the dodo and a 13" television with weak mono sound isn't much fun so I should probably upgrade.
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  The infrared setup is pretty hokey; there's one daemon to read the device, then another program (irxevent) to translate from the remote control events to keystrokes. With my remote, the problem is that the joystick in the center is much too sensitive which makes it very hard to move one channel at a time.
2003-12-14 - in order to not fill up my / partition (which is small) I symlinked /var/cache/mythtv and /var/lib/mythtv to directories under /home/mythtv. I couldn't find any other way to tell mythtv where to put the files.
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="soundblaster live mixer configuration" date="1064114309" name="mythtv-mixer.txt" path="mythtv-mixer.txt" size="10482" user="tobyc" version="1.1"
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