Difference: LaborIntensiveTv (11 vs. 12)

Revision 1218 Oct 2003 - TobyCabot

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Most folks buy their TV's at places like Sears or Best Buy, and there's a lot to be said for plunking your credit card down and driving home with a functional television set. But that's not my style. I've been using a Commodore 64 color monitor hooked up to a VCR since the late 80's and it's worked great. On the other hand, VCR's are going the way of the dodo and a 13" television with weak mono sound isn't much fun so I should probably upgrade.
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 XVideo and Xinerama don't play nice so it looks as if I can't watch TV on my dual-head machine. That's sort of OK since it doesn't have quite enough CPU either.
2003-09-19 - the wierdest problem so far. Cable channels 2 and channel 14 (WGBH-2 and WGBX-44) didn't have the right audio - they had the BBC instead. I as seriously stumped until I noticed that channel 6 (WFXT-25) was in Spanish. Googling for "Mythtv SAP" did the trick. Turns out there's some really random bttv module option that fixed it:
2003-09-19 - the wierdest problem so far. Cable channels 2 and channel 14 (WGBH-2 and WGBX-44) didn't have the right audio - they had the BBC instead. I was seriously stumped until I noticed that channel 6 (WFXT-25) was in Spanish. Googling for "Mythtv SAP" did the trick. Turns out there's some really random bttv module option that fixed it:
options bttv audiomux=0x56664e
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  I had to add a link from /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd and make sure that your user is in the cdrom group, but other than that it just works. Cool!
2003-10-18 - I bought an infrared receiver from ebay for $10, my second ebay purchase. It plugs into the serial port and has a little box with a red window in front. I spent about an hour trying to get it to work before realizing that the serial port on the machine I was using was disabled by the BIOS. Duh!
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="soundblaster live mixer configuration" date="1064114309" name="mythtv-mixer.txt" path="mythtv-mixer.txt" size="10482" user="tobyc" version="1.1"
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