Difference: JavaProgrammingBookmarks (59 vs. 60)

Revision 6011 May 2005 - TobyCabot

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META TOPICPARENT name="ProgrammingBookmarks"
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XML Binding

https://bindmark.dev.java.net/ - a detailed comparison of many binding frameworks.
 http://skaringa.sf.net - works very well for "inside-out" XML, i.e. you start with some Java objects and want to marshal them to XML, do something, and then unmarshal. Most of the other tools are designed to work "outside-in" i.e. you've got a DTD and want to get documents that match that DTD into Java. Very fast, very easy to get a handle on. Supports pipelined XSLT transforms which lets you generate/parse pretty much any XML structure.

http://xstream.codehaus.org/ - like skaringa, but doesn't need a no-arg constructor.

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 also JAXB (from Sun), Castor (from Exolab, very fussy).
http://jaxme.sf.net/ - another. sucky website, dunno bout the code.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/xjr/ - another
http://tibco.com/solutions/products/extensibility/turbo_xml.jsp A co-worker says "This is by far the best XML product I have used in terms functionality and usability. However, this is also the most expensive."
 http://www.commerceone.com/developers/docsoapxdk/xgen.html - based on Castor, claims to have better support for XML schema features.
http://jibx.sourceforge.net/ - claims to be fast. decorates the compiled classes with code that lets them marshal and unmarshal themselves.
http://dom-result-set.sourceforge.net/ - wraps jdbc result sets allowing them to be sent into pipelines
  http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-databdopt/index.html - an article about java/xml data binding
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  http://javamatch.sourceforge.net/ - might be a good query front end to work with a Prevayler back end.
http://dom-result-set.sourceforge.net/ - wraps jdbc result sets allowing them to be sent into pipelines

Code Format/Conventions

Sun's code conventions
http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/ - Sun's code conventions


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