Difference: JavaProgrammingBookmarks (53 vs. 54)

Revision 5409 Jun 2004 - TobyCabot

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META TOPICPARENT name="ProgrammingBookmarks"
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http://datavision.sourceforge.net/ - A report generation tool in Java:, has a GUI for interactive report building. Kinda clumsy, but works OK and has a low learning curve.
http://xreporter.cocoondev.org/ - a web-based report framework based on Cocoon. Demo looks very nice. Hand-coded XML report definitions.

Many languages have been implemented (or re-implemented) in Java. Here's a list: Programming Languages for the Java Virtual Machine http://grunge.cs.tu-berlin.de/~tolk/vmlanguages.html

This is an interesting paper about how the singleton pattern gets abused, why that's bad, and one approach to working around the problem: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-single.html

Java(TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Blueprints | http://java.sun.com/j2ee/blueprints/ This is how Sun thinks you should build big applications using Java. I pretty much agree, except that I don't like JSP.

xslt -> PDF print formatter | http://xml.apache.org/fop/

Log4j - a java logging and tracing package | http://www.log4j.org/

Java Run-time Versioning - http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/guide/versioning/spec/VersioningTOC.html


EJB Containers


EJB Containers

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  • JOnAS Open Application Server for EJB, looks like it was written by a research group inside Groupe Bull and now it's a spin-off called Evidian. http://www.evidian.com/jonas/index.htm
  • Geronimo is a project started in the summer of 2003 to build a J2EE server under the auspices of the Apache project. It caused a big ruckus before a single line of code was written because some of the contributors are/were jboss committers, and they were promptly kicked out of jboss. http://incubator.apache.org/projects/geronimo.html









XML<->Java Binding


XML Binding

http://skaringa.sf.net - works very well for "inside-out" XML, i.e. you start with some Java objects and want to marshal them to XML, do something, and then unmarshal. Most of the other tools are designed to work "outside-in" i.e. you've got a DTD and want to get documents that match that DTD into Java. Very fast, very easy to get a handle on.
http://skaringa.sf.net - works very well for "inside-out" XML, i.e. you start with some Java objects and want to marshal them to XML, do something, and then unmarshal. Most of the other tools are designed to work "outside-in" i.e. you've got a DTD and want to get documents that match that DTD into Java. Very fast, very easy to get a handle on. Supports pipelined XSLT transforms which lets you generate/parse pretty much any XML structure.
http://xstream.codehaus.org/ - like skaringa, but doesn't need a no-arg constructor.
 http://www.bifrost.org/xmlio/ - looks similar to Skaringa, very Java-centric
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/betwixt/ - an apache project, seems to be oriented towards Javabeans rather than plain old java
 http://jxv.sourceforge.net/ - xml <->objects
also JAXB (from Sun), Castor (from Exolab, very fussy).
http://jaxme.sf.net/ - another. sucky website, dunno bout the code.
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  http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-databdopt/index.html - an article about java/xml data binding



rdbms binding

  http://hibernate.sf.net/ - I've this at work and it's very good. Recommended.
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  Jakarta Torque - http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/torque/index.html
http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/ - looks pretty nice, has an integrated cache.
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  http://discoverdbgui.sourceforge.net/ - a GUI that will pull metadata out of a database and put it in an XML file. I've used a tool from the Jakarta Torque project for the same purpose, but this might be easier in a one-shot case.

Code Format/Conventions


Code Format/Conventions

  Sun's code conventions




  JUnit - http://www.junit.org/ - Testing Resources for Extreme Programming
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  http://www.jutils.com/ - claims to be more powerful than PMD because it performs "type analysis".




  I like to have code generate documentation where possible, since that keeps the docs close to the code. I'm intrigued by the idea of literate programming but don't really have the time to pick it up.
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  Interesting server framework: http://www.destinystar.com/
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  Keel "meta framework" - http://keelframework.org/




  JFreeChart - Java chart library, generates raster images from data - http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/index.html
JGraph - Swing component to manipulate graph structures interactively http://jgraph.sourceforge.net/
TouchGraph - a tool for visualizing graphs - http://sourceforge.net/projects/touchgraph/




http://datavision.sourceforge.net/ - A report generation tool in Java:, has a GUI for interactive report building. Kinda clumsy, but works OK and has a low learning curve.
http://xreporter.cocoondev.org/ - a web-based report framework based on Cocoon. Demo looks very nice. Hand-coded XML report definitions.

Many languages have been implemented (or re-implemented) in Java. Here's a list: Programming Languages for the Java Virtual Machine http://grunge.cs.tu-berlin.de/~tolk/vmlanguages.html

This is an interesting paper about how the singleton pattern gets abused, why that's bad, and one approach to working around the problem: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-single.html

Java(TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Blueprints | http://java.sun.com/j2ee/blueprints/ This is how Sun thinks you should build big applications using Java. I pretty much agree, except that I don't like JSP.

xslt -> PDF print formatter | http://xml.apache.org/fop/

Log4j - a java logging and tracing package | http://www.log4j.org/

Java Run-time Versioning - http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/guide/versioning/spec/VersioningTOC.html

  http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/ - truly miscellaneous, but very useful code that's shared by Jakarta projects.
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