Difference: JavaProgrammingBookmarks (27 vs. 28)

Revision 2815 Mar 2003 - ezf

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A report generation tool in Java: http://datavision.sourceforge.net/
http://datavision.sourceforge.net/ - A report generation tool in Java:, has a GUI for interactive report building. Kinda clumsy, but works OK and has a low learning curve.
http://xreporter.cocoondev.org/ - a web-based report framework based on Cocoon. Demo looks very nice. Hand-coded XML report definitions.
  Many languages have been implemented (or re-implemented) in Java. Here's a list: Programming Languages for the Java Virtual Machine http://grunge.cs.tu-berlin.de/~tolk/vmlanguages.html
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  http://skaringa.sf.net - works very well for "inside-out" XML, i.e. you start with some Java objects and want to marshal them to XML, do something, and then unmarshal. Most of the other tools are designed to work "outside-in" i.e. you've got a DTD and want to get documents that match that DTD into Java.
http://www.bifrost.org/xmlio/ - looks similar to Skaringa, very Java-centric
 http://jxv.sourceforge.net/ - xml <->objects
also JAXB (from Sun), Castor (from Exolab, very fussy).
http://jaxme.sf.net/ - another. sucky website, dunno bout the code.
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