Difference: GeronimoNotes (11 vs. 12)

Revision 1212 Jul 2004 - TobyCabot

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The Apache group's j2ee server is called Geronimo. Here are some notes.
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Needs to be run from the target directory (classpaths are relative to that dir). Runs using a standalone application jar called server.jar. The startup class specified in MANIFEST.MF is o.a.g.system.main.Daemon. The Daemon is a command-line wrapper around o.a.g.kernel.Kernel. The daemon first unserializes the META-INF/config.ser from server.jar using Configuration.loadGMBeanState(). The format of config.ser is a leading int that indicates how many attribute name/value pairs follow, then a leading int that indicates how many setReferencePatterns() parameter pairs follow:
Runs using a standalone application jar called target/bin/server.jar. The startup class specified in MANIFEST.MF is o.a.g.system.main.Daemon. The Daemon is a command-line wrapper around o.a.g.kernel.Kernel. The daemon first unserializes the META-INF/config.ser from server.jar using Configuration.loadGMBeanState(). The format of config.ser is a leading int that indicates how many attribute name/value pairs follow, then a leading int that indicates how many setReferencePatterns() parameter pairs follow:
		  int attributeCount = ois.readInt();
		  for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {

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