Difference: DebianTips (13 vs. 14)

Revision 1425 Mar 2004 - TobyCabot

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 Debian GNU/Linux is the computer operating system that I use when I get to choose. It's a version of the GNU/Linux operating system that's developed cooperatively by people around the globe. It's very stable, very high-quality, and you can decide for yourself whether you want older, more proven software, or newer software, or bleeding-edge software. Freedom and control. Sweeeet.

It's also somewhat more difficult to install than its commercial counterparts, so most people start with Red Hat or Mandrake first. You can get more info about the operating system (and the operating system itself!) at http://www.debian.org/.

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 Bonjour, le monde! $
fan speed control - http://www.lula.org/pipermail/lula/2004-January/002287.html
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