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Revision 1609 Aug 2012 - TobyCabot

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Since every other vanity website has a page full of self-indulgent rants, here are a few of mine:

Excellent! Fantastic! Awesome!

I've noticed that, over the last few years, superlatives like "excellent" and "awesome" have simply lost all meaning as they're now used to describe things that are clearly not excellent or awesome. This really annoys me, because I find myself doing it! Folks, if someone makes you a cup of coffee, or helps you add bling to your powerpoint presentation, that's "good" or "ok" but it's not "excellent." The problem with mis-using superlatives in this way is that they lose their power. If everything that happens to you is "fantastic" then what word do you use when you encounter something that's truly fantastic?

My proposal: act as if each superlative that you use costs you $1.00. It's not a lot of money, but it's enough that hopefully you'll use a more appropriate adjective. Got it? Awesome!


The Ford Excursion

This is quite simply the (second-) most disgusting vehicle available today. It's vanity, insecurity, gluttony, and lust wrapped in a shiny body and pushed around by a V8 engine. This, folks, is the vehicle that Caligula would drive if he were alive today. It's a truck which had no other purpose than to be bigger than the Chevy Suburban. It's basically a great example of what's wrong with America today: "It's incredibly wasteful, but I can afford it, so why not? It's unsafe for me, but much more unsafe for the poor sap in the VW. I don't need anything nearly this big but my neighbor has a Suburban." The irony here is that many people consider Corvettes vulgar but they cost less to build, buy, run, and dispose of; they burn less gas and pollute less per gallon of fuel burned; and they're much less dangerous to the other drivers on the road.

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